Monday 27 June 2016

Week One


No zombies yet.  Thank gods.

I haven't weighed myself this week, due to the aforementioned lack of scales.  The same goes for my blood pressure.

I did measure myself, though, and to no surprise, there is little to no change.  My measurements are:

Bust: 105cms (41.5in)
Waist: 90.17cms (35.5in)
Hips: 107cms (42in)

There was no weight training Tuesday, as my trainer was away in Montreal attending a concert.  Perfect venue for getting penned in and trampled or turned during the zombie apocalypse.


I did train Thursday, and had written it all down, but accidentally threw away the list.  I'll be better about it next week, so you'll see what I do during my pre-martial arts training session.

As far as food goes, here are the numbers:

(Note, I don't have the numbers from this weekend for two reasons. 1. I was far too busy to fill in the numbers for the weekend.  2. My laptop died, and I couldn't easily enter the numbers.  I will readily admit, I ate far too much over the weekend and did too little exercise.  We're allowed weekends like that every so often, right?)
You'll note that the amount I ate was over the calorie goal each and every time.  The thing is though, I did a lot of activity:
Well, except Monday.  Monday was actually a pretty crappy day in terms of exercise to food ratio.  I can't remember why, actually.  I think I woke up late and had to take the bus to work instead of my usual hour-long walk to work.

Now, this matters, because the goal of a daily 1200 calories is the number of calories I require to function normally.  For a healthy body, for the body to do just what the body does, it needs 1200 calories.  Any exercise over the top of basic bodily functions must be compensated, or the body is pulling calories from its basic functions to fuel exercise,  That means vital functions don't have the fuel they need.  This is not healthy.
Again, Monday, on the day I did virtually no exercise, I ate far too much.  You'll note that I struggled really frakkin' hard to get enough calories on the days I was training.  On those days, I have to consume some 3000 calories.

That's a lot of food, guys, and I'm not sure I can physically eat that much.

So.  This is where I am right now.  Perhaps it'll come to something.  Perhaps it won't.  I'll post next week with more of the same.

It must be boring to read.  I'm really only doing this to keep myself in check.  You're welcome to read along if you really want.

Comments are open, but you'll be blocked faster than lightning if you're being a prick.  No one needs that shit.

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